

What is Reiki and how does it work?

Do you want to learn something about Reiki?

As a very sensitive person, it is very reassuring to know that I am surrounded by a universal and global energy when I move all day long. From getting up in the morning to work in my workshop until the evening.

It gives me a warm feeling to know that I am constantly surrounded by a force field of invisible vibrations that can increase my general well-being.

This long-standing appreciation of what the eyes cannot see has forced me to immerse myself and learn more about how I can use these energies. Not only for my own life, but also for the lives of others.

Reiki – spiritual well-being
Reiki is a Japanese technique to heal mental and physical traumas and to promote mental well-being and mental clarity.

In Japanese, the word “rei” refers to a higher intelligence that permeates all living and non-living beings and controls the inherent functioning (the inherent (the inherent refers generally to the inherent or attachment functioning) of the universe.

The word “ki” refers to the non-physical energy that circulates in all living beings, including humans, animals and plants.

For this reason, ki is often called “vital energy”. The combination of these two words defines Reiki as “a spiritually guided life energy”. Know more details about Reiki Benefits thru this link:

To practice Reiki, a Reiki healer directs the vital energy through his hands to another person.

It is said that the above-mentioned spiritual accompaniment allows Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject’s energy field and to charge them with positive energy.

This sharpens consciousness in and around the physical body, which contains negative feelings and thoughts.

This allows negative energy (e. g. fear, physical pain, grief, confusion, etc.) to release its hold, allowing the Reiki Healer to enter and release the energy pathways. Energy healing by means not visible to the naked eye is fascinating.

Reiki Level 1: First Degree
There are three levels of Reiki (or four, depending on the teacher) to which one must be in harmony before becoming a Master.

Beginning with Reiki Level 1

This level is about learning the history and context of Reiki. Here, the emphasis is on opening the energy channels at a physical level.

It is about learning the correct hand placement, the basics of using Reiki with others, as well as the practice of Self-Reiki. Here, students learn the introduction to the use of the technique on themselves to master their personal difficulties.

In my opinion, the most important element of the level 1 training is to ensure that the Reiki healer’s energy channels are physically open.

In this way, it can connect to the universal life energy that flows from the cosmos through the universe through the crown of the head into the heart and into the hands.

This experience often leads many practitioners to notice sensations in the palms of their hands after the first introduction to Reiki. Some people feel a strong tingling sensation. Others feel heat, cold or pressure.

Especially in step 1, the standing energy is displaced and/or dissolved so that the student can heal. This first introduction is often described as painful or uncomfortable.

It is possible for students to feel exhausted because many of the pain or insecurities they are experiencing can come to the surface. Ultimately, however, all this is part of the spiritual “detoxification process”.

Reiki Level 2: Second Degree
After completing level 1, I was full of hope and energy. My belief in the power of things that we do not see and that we may never fully understand has been reinforced. I see the universe in general more exciting, more fascinating.

Once the level 1 introduction is complete, I will start learning the most important symbols of Reiki.

This includes the ability to provide Reiki from a distance, how to channel Reiki across time and space boundaries and send healing energy to people wherever they are.

Some Reiki masters recommend – due to the intensity of the tuning process – that at least 21 days elapse between the receipt of level 1 and level 2 agreements (level 1 is required to receive level 2).

Many Reiki masters combine level 1 and level 2 in a combined course and can even teach them over a weekend. Level 2 tuning is usually given in a single chord, with emphasis on opening the central channel, with emphasis on the heart chakra

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